
2017 ACS CAN Virginia Cancer Research Breakfast

June 26, 2017

ACS CAN Virginia Cancer Research Breakfast

On June 22, Virginia's leaders in cancer research spoke to a crowd about the groundbreaking cancer research that's being conducted in Virginia! Attendees heard from--

Dr. Gordon Ginder--Director, Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center

Dr. Thomas Loughran--Director, University of Virginia Cancer Center

Dr. Mark Kester--Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the nanoSTAR Institute, University of Virginia School of Medicine

Dr. Donald "Skip" Trump-- CEO and Executive Director, Inova Schar Cancer Institute

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, this was a free event and and was open to community members, medical professionals, government officials, and other interested individuals. 

We're already looking forward to another successful event in 2018!